Frequently asked questions on fresh spirulina

What is spirulina?

Spirulina is a microscopic alga. The only edible blue-green algae. It is also classified as cyanobacterium (cyan - blue) because it is so primitive organism that hasn't developed a cell nucleous.

Where does SpirulinaNord get spirulina?

SpirulinaNord grows spirulina by themselves. Spirulina production is based on the cultivation system created by the Latvian researchers-engineering team, therefore this valuable tropical microalgae can be grown in Latvia. SpirulinaNord spirulina is not dried, but frozen or mixed into syrup or juice immediately after harvesting, in order to preserve the nutritional value and neutral taste as much as possible. During drying, up to 80% of biologically active substances are lost, in addition, the characteristic taste and smell of "pond" appear.

How do SpirulinaNord mask typical pondy taste of spirulina?

There are two reasons why spirulina powder smells so bad. 1) due to other stuff growing in ponds 2) due to nutrient degradation during drying (similar to fresh meat - fresh spirulina should NOT have any specific smell.
SpirulinaNord innovative technology ensure very pure and uncontaminated spirulin cultivation due to innovative and CLOSED sytem. None of SpirulinaNord products contain heat treated or dried spirulina.

How many servings can/should you eat per day? Can spirulina be overdosed?

We recommend one to two servings. Eating more will give you more energy or speed up recovery after overload. However spirulina is a food not a medicine, it is hard to overdose, but due to the large amount of biologically active substances, eating too much spirulina can cause digestive system disorders, such as looser stools, anxiety, pinker skin and other non-specific symptoms.

How to use spirulina?

     Frozen spirulina is frozen in portions - thaw one in ½ - 1 cup of water or juice. As frozen spirulina is pure& excellent source of antioxidants our clients report that it could be used as a face skin-renewing mask. Just rub the face with frozen cube and let it dry a bit. when you feel drying on face - remove it with cool water and apply your daily face cream.
     We recommend diluting 1 - 2 tablespoons (20ml - 40ml) of spirulina syrups with water in a ratio of 1:3. Those with a sweet tooth can also use it undiluted.
     "Spirulina in apple juice" should not be diluted . Use 1 - 2 tablespoons (20ml - 40ml) per day.

There is no research as to whether it is better to take before or after meals. Indian doctors recommend taking 1 hour before or after meals.

Should you take spirulina in the morning?

We recommend using it in the first half of the day. Customer reviews show that when you eat it in the evening, especially if you use two portions a day, you have so much energy that you don't fall asleep and want to work.

Should spirulina be taken on an empty stomach?

As you wish. Can be taken on an empty stomach or 1 hour before or after a meal. Indian doctors have observed that then the positive effect is greater. However, traditionally in Africa it is used with meals as an additive in sauces.

The spirulina frozen ball has a blue edge, can it still be eaten?

Yes. Spirulina is edible as long as it does not have a strong aroma. The spirulina cell is green on the outside, but has a blue pigment on the inside. The spirulina cell has a very thin wall, so minimal mechanical impact can break it and the blue color appears.

When spirulina was thawed, it remained blue-violet. Can it still be eaten?

Spirulina is edible as long as it does not have a strong aroma. The spirulina cell is green on the outside but contains blue and orange pigments on the inside. When spirulina is thawed, it is green at first, but then the cell walls begin to break down and the blue-violet cell filling appears. At room temperature it is already after a few hours, in the refrigerator after ~ 12 hours. Our research shows that before unwanted microbes develop in spirulina, it develops a rather distinct specific aroma.

Can you be allergic to spirulina?

Spirulina is not known to cause allergies. However, as with any new product, we recommend starting with a lower dose.

Can spirulina be used by children, the elderly or pregnant women?

Spirulina is a normal part of a healthy diet, no studies have reported that it adversely affects any population group, however SpirulinaNord spirulina is not certified as infant or other special food.

Can children be given spirulina and in what doses?

Smaller children up to school age have half of an adult's daily dose - 1 serving card. Unlike pumpkins and other orange vegetables, which often cause allergies, spirulina is not an allergenic product and there are studies that show a beneficial effect on children, pregnant women and seniors, who are typically vulnerable groups. If the baby already eats vegetables, our spirulina can also be used. The product contains algae + syrup or apple juice, no added chemicals.

Is SpirulinaNord spirulina organic/organic?

We use minerals in cultivation that are as close as possible to the natural lake water composition of spirulina and the conditions are close to natural. By growing spirulina in a closed cycle, no poisons are needed to prevent or eradicate the invasion of unwanted species. We do not have a certificate yet, we are in the process of understanding exactly the criteria necessary for growing spirulina and finding the competent institutions that evaluate them.

Does spirulina contain iodine?

No, definitely not. Our spirulina is grown in a controlled, iodine-free environment and does not require iodine unlike sea grass.