Establishment of a new "SpirulinaNord" production facility

"SpirulinaNord" Ltd. has started the implementation of the project "Establishment of a new "SpirulinaNord" production facility" (Project No. 23-00-U2021601-000008). The implementation of the project is supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia and the Rural Support Service.

The aim of the project is to create a new production facility of "SpirulinaNord" Ltd. and ensure efficient and continuous cultivation of spirulina in specialized bioreactors, as well as to make investments in the supply of equipment for harvesting and packaging of finished products.

Within the 1st stage of the project implementation (until 31.01.2024), 10 photobioreactors designed for the cultivation of microalgae spirulina were delivered to the company.

Development of new products

By co-funding of EIT Food RIS Consumer Engagement Labs

Increasing the capacity of production

By the support of Rural support department and investment of Buildit venture capital


Member of Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) is the biggest association of entrepreneurs in Latvia.

Member of EABA

We are the member of European algae biomass association - a great networking platform where algae cultivation industry and researchers meet.

Accelerator of Things: Buildit

In 2020-2021 we were supported by Accelerator of things: Buildit. It was great mentorship programm and finansial investment of 50'000 EUR to develop our technology and improve our product-market fit.

Support of the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA)

In 2021 we participated in LIAA support programs:

  • Attracting Highly Qualified Workers within the Specific Support Objective 1.2.1 of the Operational Program “Increase Private Sector Investment in R&D” Measure “Support for the Improvement of the Technology Transfer System” (LIAA Project No. / 16 / I / 001 transfer program). Contract number no. JU-L-2021/12
  • for export support activities of the program “Growth and Employment” 3.2.1. Specific support objective “Increase the proportion of exports of high value-added products and services” Measure “Promotion of International Competitiveness” (LIAA project identification number Contract number no. SKV-L-2021/361