With FREE delivery for orders over €50. Delivery usually takes 3-5 business days.
We ship spirulina syrups to all European Union countries. For orders over €60, the delivery fee is €5.99, and for smaller orders, it is €11. Delivery usually takes 5-7 business days
Fresh Spirulina Syrup with Nordic lemon (14 portions)
STORAGE: Use within 20 days after opening and store in the refrigerator.
The 330 ml bottle contains 14 servings or daily doses. One dose is 22 ml or 2 tablespoons, we recommend diluting the daily dose with 100 ml of water. Two or more doses may also be used, for example in case of illness, stress or injury. PET bottles also made in Riga.
In one serving - 7 g of fresh spirulina, 7 g of cranberry juice, 7 g of sugar. Don't be afraid of sugar, sucrose in fruit syrup gradually break down into fructose and glucose, and the amount of sugar (carbohydrate) in this drink is even less than in juices.
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Spirulina GROWN in SpirulinaNord (Latvia), cranberry syrup - from Latvian farmers.
Fresh spirulina is a natural, unprocessed food rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Unlike most superfood name worthy products, it has a very neutral taste. Unlike artificial vitamin mixtures, which often cause side effects and irritate the stomach, such as iron supplements, spirulina is easily absorbed, improves the gastric microflora and does not irritate the digestive tract. Allergies practically are not observed, however, as with any new product, we recommend watching the body's reaction to find the right amount for you. Due to the high vitamin content, we recommend taking it in the first half of the day.
EXPIRY DATE at least 12 months, as the product is not pasteurized.
Customer reviews
Maija A., 4 Mar, 2025
Lēmums par Spirulīnas lietošanu ir bijis un ir mans labākais dzīves lēmums.....tā palīdz organismam atjaunoties un nesaslimt pēc operācijām un spriedzes.....arī analīžu rezultāti uzlabojas...tā vien šķiet ka Spirulīna pati zin kas ir sakārtojams un atjaunojams mūsu organismam.....arī manai mammai sākot lietot šo produktu uzlabojusies miega kvalitāte, noregulējies spiediens. Šis produkts ir zelta vērts, ko iesaku ikvienam!
Sandra M., 3 Mar, 2025
Ļoti labs produkts. Liekas iedod enerģiju visai dienai. Katru rītu bez ūdens tīrā veidā 2 ēdamkarotes es, bet dēls 9 gadi 1 ēdamkaroti. Abas garšas (dzērveņu, cidoniju) ir labas. Tagad sūtīšu jauno upeņu garšu, tad nu ceru, ka 5 gadniekam arī garšos, bet Viņam garšoja spirulīna ābolu sulā. Analīzes dzelzs līmeņa noteikšanai vēl nav veiktas, tad redzēs vai ir kas pacelts vai nav.
Indra V., 3 Mar, 2025
Patīk cidoniju skābumiņš sīrupā, atsvaidzinoši, enerģijas lādiņš visai dienai! Iesaku pamēģināt!
INTA, 16 Feb, 2025
Man ļoti patīk, ļoti saldā, bet atšķaidot ar ūdeni ļoti garšīgi. Varu droši pateikt,to,ka mana vielapmaiņa uzlabojās jau no pirmajām lietošanas reizēm. Pirmajās 2 nedēļas aizgāja 4 kg. Enerģijas palika vairāk.
Anželika, 14 Jan, 2025
Перестали болеть ноги, чувствую прилив энергии. Спасибо за такое средство.